The 10th Edition Mission Project Service Funding Guide 


The 10th edition of the Mission Project Service Funding Guide is coming soon and we couldn’t be more excited to share it with you! The MPS Funding Guide is a catalog of grantmakers that support Catholic missionary projects. This edition has the most up-to-date list of funders sourced to help you achieve funding success.  Read on to learn how Mission Project Service and the 10th edition of the MPS Funding Guide can benefit your funding efforts.  


As Catholic Missionaries, Congregation Leaders, and other members of the church know, there are plenty of things that can be done that can help to improve the communities you serve. However, pastoral and human development projects are costly.   Without the funds and resources you need, your ability to make a positive impact is limited. At Mission Project Service, it is our goal to bridge the gap between project needs and funding shortfalls.


We do this in several ways, beginning with Grant writing education and information.


Effective grant writing is a viable tool to help you obtain the funds you need through, you guessed it, grants! At Mission Project Service, we have decades of experience in grant writing, and we can help you learn the skills to become a proficient grant writer.  The 10th edition of the MPS Funding Guide includes an entire section devoted to enhancing your grant writing capabilities.  Additionally, MPS continues to produce and provide free grant writing tools and resources on our website (check out our learning library) and Facebook page.  In late 2021, we will also begin to offer online grant writing workshops for those that wish to participate in a virtual workshop experience.


Of course, understanding the basics of effective grant writing is only one part of the funding equation. Once you’ve written the perfect grant, you need to be able to research and identify grantmakers who are most likely to fund your project(s).  And that’s where the 10th edition MPS Funding Guide comes in. 


The 10th edition includes detailed profiles of over three hundred potential funders looking to hear from missionaries just like you! So, in the guide, we not only break down the components of writing the perfect grant, we provide you with the contacts willing to provide funding to the right applicants. 


With the typical grant amount being between $10,000 - $15,000 USD, we are confident that when used properly, the 10th Edition Fund Guide is a purchase that will pay for itself tenfold. 


Any questions about the guide? Reach out! We are happy to answer. Would you like to be added to the waitlist for the 10th Edition Funding Guide? Click Here.


Happy Grant Writing!

Grant Writing can be a difficult task!  It’s nearly impossible to “cut corners” and still obtain the funding you need.   Writing a winning proposal requires effort:  strategic reflection, accurate information, and adhering to all deadlines and requirements.

Mission Project Service provides Catholic missionaries with the knowledge and resources needed to achieve funding success. Our goal is to help you become a better grant writer so your projects and the people you serve can benefit.

Thanksgiving, 2020

Dear friends and fellow missionaries,

I suppose it is no surprise that we focus on gratitude, at least here in the US, during this time of year.  I want to suggest, however, that gratitude is worth focusing on ANY TIME of the year, and not just for it’s obvious spiritual and emotional benefits.

What do I mean?

Dear sister and brother missionaries,

I know that is NOT how the song goes!   And I also am pretty sure that the Wise Men were not submitting grant applications either ?.

BUT, I do believe there are at least two reasons to reflect on during this Advent/Christmas Season that each of you are like Magi as you write grant applications for your projects:

First, each of you, like the Magi, offer great gifts in the deeply important projects you “give” to a foundation to consider:  the GOLD of the boys and girls your projects assist;  the MYRRH of the health clinics and schools you offer;  and the FRANKINCENSE of your pastoral and prayerful works.   Any good foundation officer is always humbled by how much good he or she is being asked to support.

In Memoriam:  MPS Founder Fr. George G. Cotter, MM

It is said that “we stand on the shoulders of those who precede us.”    As that is true, there is probably no Catholic missionary alive today who does owe some connection or debt of gratitude to Maryknoll Missionary and MPS Founder George G. Cotter, MM.

After 68 years as a missionary and 58 years as a priest, Fr. Cotter passed away on September 6 in Maryknoll, New York, at the age of 88.

“Dear missionaries,

“Sustainablity”  A sophisticated and popular word these days, but one with a simple definition:  “How we keep our projects going in the future.”  The attached document from the UN identifies the key principals we need to bring to our work insofar as we envision our ministries lasting not only during our lifetimes but even longer.  I encourage you to share this with your congregational leadership in hopes it will stimulate the type of leadership decisions necessary for the years ahead!”

Effective Governance for Sustainable Development

For those of you missionaries who are avid readers of literature, I have a test question for you:  what is the length of the longest sentence in published literature?

Answer:  13, 995 words!  It is in The Rotter’s Club, a 2001 novel by British writer Jonathan Coe.  If you haven’t heard of Mr. Coe, you might recognize 2nd place for longest sentence:  4, 391 words by the famous Irish novelist James Joyce, in Ulysses.

Now for those of you missionaries who are avid readers but who also need to write successful grant applications, forget about those crazy-long sentences in The Rotter’s Club and Ulysses!  In our work as grant writers, the motto is “less is more.”

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words…..Today’s blog is a great visual regarding the steps you should follow before you begin writing a specific grant application.